Til þess að fara sem best með mottuna þína þá er mikilvægt að hirða um hana vel og á réttan hátt. Motta sem er vel hirt endist og er fallegri lengur. Við höfum skipt umhirðunni niður eftir tegurnd mottu og mælum við með því að viðskiptavinir kynni sér vel hvernig best er að hirða um þá mottu sem þeir velja sér.
Mottur framleiddar í vél í Tyrklandi fyrir Kara Rugs
Ryksuga reglulega, með bursta á lægstu stillingu. Við mælum ekki með notkun á ryksuguróbótum. Best er að þerra óhreinindi með eldhúspappír áður en bletturinn er meöhöndlaður á annan hátt. Þvo blettinn með mildri sápu og mjúkum litlausum klút, strjúka varlega í þá átt sem vefnaðurinn liggur. Prófa sig svo áfram og vinna sig rólega í gegnum blettinn. Hægt er að nota blettasprey ef um er að ræða erfiða bletti en forðast að nota bleiki efni. Mælt er með hreinsun af fagaðila.
Bambus og Polyester- Bambus og acril
Ryksuga reglulega með bursta á lægstu stillingu. Blettahreinsa með mildri sápu og mjúkum litlausum klút. Gott er að snúa mottunni af og til svo ekki myndist djúp för í mottunni eftir húsgögn. Mælt er með hreinsun af fagaðila.
Bómull acril- Bómull polyester
Ryksuga reglulega án „bursta“ og blettahreinsa með mildri sápu, einnig er hægt að þvo mottuna á 30 gráðum í þvottavél á fáum snúningum.
Tyrkneskar vintage mottur
Ryksuga reglulega, með bursta á lægstu stillingu. Best er að þerra óhreinindi með eldhúspappír áður en bletturinn er meöhöndlaður á annan hátt. Þvo blettinn með mildri sápu og mjúkum klút. Mælt er með hreinsun fagaðila.
Classic Collection mottur umhirða
Classic Collections rugs are manufactured by hand, one by one, on looms that are exclusively driven by traditional crafts. No mechanical help is available during the weaving process. By choosing to produce our rugs by hand in India, Classic Collection has also made a conscious choice to embrace the natural variation that follows this process.
The manufacturing technique used allows for short fibers and/or threads to creep up to the surface as the rug is being used. These can be easily cut or pulled through to the back of the rug. Certain color variations may occur between the rugs as the colors are mixed by hand. This color variation is normal, however, we do our best to minimize the color differences. The size of your rug may vary by +-4% to the size indicated. This is normal when the rug is manufactured by hand.
Machine-woven rugs are more likely to be perceived as perfect. Perfection is not what Classic Collection are striving for. We love that every rug is unique and that some small differences in pattern, color and size may occur. These deviations is the thing that make Classic Collection products so personal and unique. Each produced Classic Collection rug creates work and help the old craft traditions to survive. The rugs are certified with Care & Fair.
CARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PET-RUGS- Use a rug underlay to protect both your rug and your floor. This also serves as a slip protection.
- If the rug is placed outdoors for longer periods of rain it needs to dry up properly in between uses. The fibers in the rug can eventually deteriorate if the rug can't dry up.
- Keep the dry rug rolled and packaged when it's not in use. Never fold your rug.
- If the rug is exposed to salt or chlorinated water, it needs to be rinsed properly with tap water regularly.
- The rug is not machine washable.
- If the corner/edge of your rug rises, wet the area lightly and roll the rug the opposite direction of the rised part. Wait for a few minutes and roll out the rug again. If necessary a weight can be left on the rug during the drying time.
- Never try to move or pull the rug while furniture are standing on the rug.This can damage the rug.
- Easy to wash off.
- Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
- Do not bleach in the sun.
- Made out of recycled material.
- Lint and pilling.
- Can lose lustre after a time of use.
- Since the fibre in the rug is closed the dirt lies on the surface of the rug. This can make the rug perceived as being dirtier faster.
- Should not be used on plastic or vinyl floors as plastic/rubber on plastic can cause a chemical rection called "migration".
- Use a rug underlay to protect both your rug and your floor. This also serves as a slip protection
- Avoid dragging furniture back and forth over the rug.
- Use floor protectors or covers under the wheels on the sofa- and table legs.
- Rotate the rug to wear it down evenly.
- Vacuum the rug on both sides and on the floor under it once a week (recommended). Never use the brush when vacuuming and adjust the force to a lower setting. Never vacuum the edge or fringe on a rug since it is likely to be damaged. Only vacuum the rug in the direction of the fibers.
- There may be lines or creases that extend over the width of the mat when rolling it out. These lines are completely normal and are only pressure marks caused by the rug being rolled during transport. They are not permanent and will gradually disappear after normal use and regular vacuuming.
- Do not worry if your rug is linting. Vacuum the rug as needed without the brush on the vacuum to remove excess fibers.
- Never store your rug folded or vacuum-packed as the rug will get folds that won't go away.
- Tencel/Viscose rugs can not be water-washed.
- We recommend that the rug is handed to a professional for impregnation before use.
- Never try to move or pull the rug while furniture are standing on the rug.This can damage the rug.
- Beautiful material with a nice lustre.
- Soft and comfortable to put your feet on.
- Rugs made out of Tencel are organically produced and the Tencel-fiber have been awarded "European award for the environment".
- Very sensitive to moisture.
- Anything dropped on the rug, for example food or drinks, will leave stains.
- Should be impregnated by a professional before use.
- Not suitable in the hallway or in the kitchen.
- Use a rug underlay to protect both your rug and your floor. This also serves as a slip protection
- Avoid dragging furniture back and forth over the rug.
- Use floor protectors or covers under the wheels on the sofa- and table legs.
- Rotate the rug to wear it down evenly.
- Don't exposed the rug to direct sunlight.
- Vacuum the rug on both sides and on the floor under it once a week (recommended). Never use the brush when vacuuming and adjust the force to a lower setting. Never vacuum the edge or fringe on a rug since it is likely to be damaged. Only vacuum the rug in the direction of the fibres.
- Always remove stains immediately when they occur. Smaller stains can usually be removed with a damp cloth and gall soap or a mild detergent. Make the mixture foam up a bit before applying it to the rug and wipe the stain carefully. Always try to work your way from the outside of the stain to the middle so the stain doesn't spread.
- Always leave your rug to a professional carpet cleaner for heavy stains.
- Avoid dry cleaning as far ass possible as this dry out the fibres in the rug.
- Never try to move or pull the rug while furniture are standing on the rug.This can damage the rug.
- Dirt-resistant.
- Durable.
- Wool contains high levels of nitrogen which gives a natural flame resistant surface.
- A wool rug can have a long life if properly taken care of.
- Can lint. This applies mostly to pile cut-rugs.